ERNEUERBARE ENERGIEN - Energiewirtschaft und Energiewende

Dieser Film soll junge Menschen für das Thema Energie als zukunftssicheres und zielorientiertes Berufsfeld begeistern. Erneuerbare Energien - das sind Wasserkraft, Solar- und Windenergie, Biomasse und Geothermie. Das Potenzial ist enorm, vor allem aber werden durch den Einsatz der Erneuerbaren keine klimaschädlichen Gase mehr in die Atmosphäre gelangen. Nur so kann dem Klimawandel und den schon heute vermehrt auftretenden Naturkatastrophen - Starkregen mit Überschwemmungen, verheerende Waldbrände und Zerstörung von Acker- und Wohnflächen - entgegengewirkt werden. Für den weltweiten Aufbau und die Instandhaltung des Systems Erneuerbarer Energien müssen jetzt Fachkräfte ausgebildet werden. Es ist eines der umfangreichsten Arbeitsgebiete der Zukunft. Mit Prof. Dr. Volker Quaschning, Jörg Müller, Dr. Tobias Bischof-Niemz, Simon Schandert und Niklas Schneider.

Wie wir den Klimawandel bewältigen | How to cope with climate change

Der Film (90 Min, 16 Kap., 2023) zeigt Wege auf, wie wir den Klimawandel bewältigen können. Mit Experten, Fachleuten und Protagonisten der Klimabewegung, die die Energie- und Klimawende praktisch vorantreiben [The film (90 min, 16 ch., 2023) shows ways in which we can cope with climate change. With experts and protagonists of the climate movement who are practically driving forward the energy and climate transition as well]: Dr. Claudia Kemfert (DIW Berlin) | Annika Stechemesser (PIK Potsdam) | Rainer Baake (Stiftung Klimaneutralität) | Dr. Philipp Staab (HU Berlin) | Dr. Niko Paech (Uni Siegen) | Michael Raschemann (Energiequelle GmbH) | Doreen Raschemann (Stiftung Energiequelle) | Luisa Neubauer (FFF) | Darya Sotoodeh (Presse FFF) | Robert Habeck (Politiker) | Kimi, Marc, Marlon | Trailer hier.

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The Doctor and The Prince | Der Reichsarzt und der Prinz

Documentary film (2021, 85/58 Mins.) about the two men who, in leading positions of the German Red Cross, became part of the medical system of the Nazi state and played a decisive role in covering up the Holocaust from the world public; Dr Ernst Robert Grawitz and Duke Charles Edward of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Dokumentarfilm (2021, 85/58 Minuten) über die beiden Männer, die in führender Position des DRK Teil des medizinischen Systems des NS-Staats wurden und entscheidend dazu beigetragen haben, den Holocaust zu vertuschen: Dr. Ernst Robert Grawitz und Herzog Carl Eduard von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha.




We are living in a dangerously fast changing world. The Covid pandemic; international crises; nationalist tendencies everywhere. But the biggest challenge of the future will be climate change. We all have to make decisions about our own future, and the future of humanity. In this documentary film, we will ask two questions: 1. Where are we going? 2. How can change happen?


[in development]



This documentary film (2020, 83 Mins.) is about the German disease ANGST. We all know the armored man, the choleric father, the right-wing grandfather, a strange uncle. Some of us know of their sudden violence, others of their beatings. The film "ANGST" shows the origin and the effects of the traumas of the past (with Klaus Theweleit, author of 'Male Fantasies').

Der Dokumentarfilm "ANGST - Mein Vati und ich" (2020, 83 Minuten) handelt vom seelisch gepanzerten Mann, dem cholerischen Vater, den rechtsgerichteten Großvater, den merkwürdigen Onkel. Viele kennen deren Gewalttätigkeit und manche die Prügel, die Ohnmacht und die Angst vor diesen Menschen. Der Film zeigt Herkunft und Auswirkungen dieser Angst und ermöglicht damit die Auseinandersetzung mit den Traumata der Vergangenheit (mit Klaus Theweleit, 'Männerphantasien').



CERN - Why We Do What We Do | CERN - warum wir das tun was wir tun

Documentary (52 mins) about the brilliant scientists at CERN who discovered the Higgs boson, the fundamental particle which is responsible for the mass of all elementary particles. The film is a portrait of a whole generation of scientists doing research on the threshold of a new era in physics.

„If you want to know what drives scientists, you have to watch this film!“
Rolf Landua, CERN Education and Public Outreach group



DVD: absolut medien

world sales: 10francs


Nikola Tesla - Visionary of Modern Times | Nikola Tesla - Visionär der Moderne

Documentary (52 mins) about the Serb-American inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) who invented the AC (Alternating Current) system and the radio. His world-wide wireless system anticipated our modern global communications network, like the Internet. Nikola Tesla's life is like a thriller about science, money, and power. Tesla is a character of worldwide significance worth to be rediscovered as the inventor of modern times.


Michael Krause is panellist @ BBC the Forum in a radio program about the life and work of Nikola Tesla. Link here

DVD: absolut medien

world sales: 10francs


All About Tesla - the research

Creative documentary (90 mins) about Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), inventor of the AC (Alternating Current) power system. Tesla wanted to make power available to everyone, FREE-OF-CHARGE and WIRELESS! For his efforts, he was labelled a charlatan and dangerous intruder, a person to be dismissed at all costs! Today, Nikola Tesla is hero to a whole new generation of thinkers, visionaries, and car-builders.


Michael Krause is panellist @ BBC the Forum in a radio program about the life and work of Nikola Tesla. Link here


DVD: absolut medien


Blue Note - A Story of Modern Jazz

directed by Julian Benedikt

"It must 'schwing!" was the motto of Alfred Lion and Francis Wolff, two German Jewish immigrants who in 1939 set up Blue Note Records, the jazz label that was home to such greats as Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Herbie Hancock, Thelonious Monk, Art Blakey, Dexter Gordon and Sonny Rollins. Blue Note, the most successful movie ever made about jazz, is a testimony to the passion and vision of these two men and certainly swings like the propulsive sounds that made their label so famous. The only documentary about the legendary Jazz record label includes original footage from concert recordings by Blue Note label artists, original footage of Alfred Lion and Francis Wolff and interviews with Carlos Santana, Rudy Van Gelder, Horace Silver, Herbie Hancock among others.

(watch on YouTube)


Festivals: Berlin (Forum), New York Underground Cinema, San Francisco, et al


Herbert Huncke, a beat poet, a hustler, and a hipster is at the center of this docu-fiction film. A beatnik and a junckie, he was the pusher of the beat generation, selling drugs to Kerouac and his friends. While his friends made it to the top, Huncke was in jail on Riker's island. His poetry reflects his love for life, and for the people.



East...West...Home's Best

East...West...Home's Best (Producer)
directed by Gamma Bak

Synopsis: In 1990/91, my father, a history professor in Canada, moved back to Hungary after the Fall of the Wall. He had left there after the uprising in 1956. Is a return "home" possible after such long exile?

Distribution: Moving Images, Vancouver


[more info here]

Our Hitler | Unser Hitler

Filmed on location in Berlin and Nuremberg, this grotesque docu-fiction tells the true story of Adolf Hitler.

(in collaboration with Roland Goldack†).
